Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management

Supplier ESG Program

Category Description
Policy and Commitment
  • Solar Applied Materials Technology Corp. Supplier Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct Review
  • Suppliers are required to comply with the “Solar Applied Materials Technology Corp. Supplier Code of Conduct,” which covers aspects including labor, health and safety, environment, business ethics, and management systems.
Training for Procurement Personnel
  • Conduct annual ESG education and training sessions for procurement personnel to ensure their comprehension of their roles and their ability to drive and manage supplier ESG programs.

Supplier Screening

Aspect Description
Business Relevance
  • Transactions exceeding 10 million annually
  • Sole source of supply / limited alternatives available
  • Advanced technical and innovative capabilities/dependence on supplier’s technology
  • Significant non-compliance incidents related to environmental, social, and governance matters.
  • Potential risks, including but not limited to wastewater, waste, hazardous substances, human rights, labor rights, corruption, and bribery.
Sector-specific Risk
  • Identify industry-specific risks associated with suppliers based on their respective industry attributes.
Commodity-specific Risk
  • Identify suppliers with potential risks associated with the characteristics of raw materials, addressing concerns like conflict minerals, hazardous substances, and other relevant factors.

Supplier Assessment

Assessment Method Description
Desk Assessment
  • Suppliers are required to complete the Supplier ESG Questionnaire.
On-site Assessment
  • Perform regular on-site supplier audits and evaluations conducted by the SOLAR team to assess supplier ESG performance and associated risks.

Supplier Development

Category Description
Corrective and Improvement Programs
  • Assist suppliers in developing improvement plans and ensuring their implementation to address any deficiencies.
Capacity Building Programs
  • Environmental Education: Guide suppliers to environmental certification organizations for environmental education and assist them in building environmental knowledge.

Supplier Code of Conduct

In order to ensure the safety of working environments for suppliers, contractors, and service providers, as well as to uphold environmental responsibilities, adhere to ethical standards, and ensure the dignity and respect of employees, SOLAR establishes this Supplier Code of Conduct. SOLAR requires suppliers to adhere to this code and also comply with the regulations of their operating countries and regions. Suppliers are encouraged to cascade and implement this code to their downstream suppliers. Through close collaboration, communication, and subsequent evaluations with suppliers, SOLAR aims to drive continuous improvement.
  • Supplier Code of Conduct

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